What questions should I be asking myself?

there are many questions that I can think of such as, what am I doing, what is this picture for, what can I show people about what’s important to me, etc. But I think as a photographer, we should have a mindset of a transporter not a story writer. To me, taking pictures is not about expressing myself, but rather capturing moments and emotions of the environment and people around me. So instead, I would ask myself: What is this picture trying to say? What are the emotions of the environment/things I am seeing right now.


Reflective writing

1.Which of the 3 shooting prompts from last week was the most interesting to you?

1. Me photographing my friend’s cat while she trys to act cute and get pets.

2. My friend modeling extravagant poses in the art and design building.

3.Me Photographing among a crazy amount of squirrels in the neighborhood.

2.How easy or difficult was it to shoot at least 70 photos?

It was easy at first then I felted like the composition ideas slowly running out in my mind…

3. How easy or difficult was it to edit down to 3 images?

It was hard because I was just looking at different photos over and over.

4.Review your final group of 3 images. Now,select the one image that you find most successful.can you write about why? Is there something about how the image looks? Is it something about how the images makes you feel or think? Try to put your thoughts about this into words.